Durch Google Ads mehr Leads und Reichweite für Sie
Sie haben ein top Produkt oder eine top Dienstleistung, aber die Zielgruppe weiß nicht davon?
Wir verschaffen Ihnen messbare Anfragen und Traffic auf Ihre Website.
Are you looking for an effective advertising strategy in search engines? We are your first-class partner for this!

Our certified Google Ads experts specialize in maximizing the success of your individual Google Ads campaign. With a wealth of experience in search engine marketing for small and medium-sized businesses, we develop customized campaigns that stand out through targeted placement of ads on Google's search and display network as well as on YouTube.

By targeting our ad texts to your end customers, precisely optimizing the search terms used and targeting them at competitive bid prices, we offer a first-class advertising solution from a single source. We also attach great importance to measurability, so that we can prove that our SEA (Search Engine Advertising) measures are demonstrably successful. This is set out in regular reporting.

As a certified Google Partner, we meet Google's highest standards and have in-depth expertise in search engine marketing that is continuously updated and validated by Google.

Thanks to our close relationship with Google, we are always well informed about innovations, which of course benefits your campaign first and foremost!

Your Google Ads agency: Benefit from our Google Partner status

Our team members are certified experts from Google and have individual certifications in Google Ads search engine marketing, mobile advertising, video advertising, display advertising, Google Shopping and Google Analytics. As a recognized Google partner, Aparted brings extensive know-how and outstanding skills to effectively plan and successfully implement your Google Ads campaigns. Put your trust in our expertise - your advertising measures are in the best hands with us!

Ohne Aparted
Mit Aparted
We are a google partner! But what does that mean for you?
Quality assurance through Google certification

Google continuously monitors the quality of Ads support and organizes training courses and seminars with our account managers in order to maintain and continuously improve the level of Ads management. You can rely on certified quality.

Google-certified training

Our Ads Account Managers are certified Google Ads Professionals. They renew their certificates every year by passing the Google exams. In addition, we regularly keep up to date with innovations in the Ads system in order to continuously improve the performance of your Ads campaigns. You can rely on our ongoing training and expertise for the success of your Google Ads!

Google partner support

Als Google Partner profitieren wir von exklusivem Zugang zum Google Partner-Support und somit einem festen Ansprechpartner, mit dem wir regelmäßig Meetings durchführen, um die Leistung der Kampagnen zu verbessern. Dadurch können wir eventuelle Probleme schnell und effizient lösen, um die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden sicherzustellen. Zudem erfahren wir als erstes von Neuerungen im Google Algorithmus, sodass wir schnell reagieren können und unsere Kunden von diesem Wettbewerbsvorteil profitieren lassen. Verlassen Sie sich auf unsere privilegierte Verbindung zu Google für eine optimale Betreuung Ihrer Anliegen!

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FAQ - Frequently asked questions
We take care of everything from A-Z on the subject of search engine marketing, including account setup, conversion tracking, campaign and ad creation, as well as ad placement and optimization. We are also experts in SEO and can offer additional services.
You have a contact person at Aparted who will take care of all your concerns.
No. The budget also includes third-party costs, i.e. we also pay Google for placing the ads.
  1. You contact us without obligation
  2. We will contact you and discuss your desired goals, the time frame and other details in a meeting.
  3. After the start of the project, we are in close contact so that initial optimizations can take place.
  4. You receive regular reports and we adjust the ads and campaigns accordingly to achieve the best possible performance.